
Changing Roles in the Pictou Office

With Megan Graham

We’d like to introduce you to Megan Graham. Megan is a Personal Account Manager in the Caldwell Roach Insurance Pictou Office. She recently moved into this position and is providing sales and service to our home and auto insurance clients in the Pictou and surrounding areas.

“I was working in processing when I returned from my maternity leave in August and Greg approached me to see if I wanted to give it a try,” said Megan. “I was very excited about the challenge and the new role.” Megan has been in the insurance industry since 2010 and worked in processing, underwriting as well as sales and service with the Pictou Mutual Insurance Company, as well as helping with the transition from Kings Mutual Insurance to Caldwell Roach. Megan has been an integral team member who always puts her clients first.

“It has been a good transition because from my processing role I know what questions to ask of clients,” she said. “I am very detail oriented. I try to get as much information up front from the client about the coverage they need. I want to make it as seamless as possible for them.”

The Pictou office is a close knit team. She and Sean MacDonald handle the sales and service roles, while Janet MacLellan does the processing role. Vicki Fultz is away on leave. “Everyone is so supportive, we work well together,” she explains. 

Megan and her husband live in the area and have two children - a 3 year old boy and a 1 1/2 year old girl. She was born and raised in Pictou and knows many of her clients. “It is great to be able to work in my home town. I love it!” she exclaims. “I am very lucky.”

2018 will be a great year for Megan as she continues to build relationships with her clients and becomes even more knowledgeable about Caldwell Roach Insurance products. She is also going to train for the Johnny Miles Half Marathon in New Glasgow this June. Happy training!

Megan and the Pictou Caldwell Roach Insurance team can be reached at 1-902-485-4542.