
What does 60 years experience mean for you?

Our Business Insurance Team has more than 60 years of accumulated skills and experience to serve the needs of Nova Scotian businesses. We provide insurance solutions for all types of organizations – from large industrial companies and agricultural producers to home-based businesses and non-profit groups.

Based in Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, our Business Service Team invests the time to analyze each business, no matter the size or type, before making an insurance recommendation. “Many times I have seen the group working together to find the best solution for a client,” said Matt Robblee, Business Sales for Caldwell Roach. “It’s a continual brainstorming session and because they have so much experience, there isn’t a situation they haven’t seen.” This collaborative approach ensures that each one of our business clients gets the best insurance solution for their business at the right price.

This dynamic team of seasoned professionals includes Amanda Belanger, Heather Hilton, Amy Taylor and Pierre Luc Roy, three of whom have experience underwriting accounts for some of Canada’s largest insurers. The team is also dedicated to professional development; “Three of our staff have already completed their CIP designation,” said Matt. “And the fourth is enrolled in the program to complete his.” CIP is the Insurance Industry of Canada’s Chartered Insurance Professional designation and is a rigorous curriculum designed to give employees the skills and knowledge they need to serve the needs of their clients. 

Meet our Business Service Team:

 Amanda Belanger  

Amanda has more than 9 years insurance experience and earned her CIP designation in 2010. She prides herself on consistently delivering prompt, professional service.

 Heather Hilton

With more than 25 years of industry experience and her CIP designation, Heather sees complex business insurance situations as a challenge, not an obstacle and always finds a solution for her clients.

 Amy Taylor

Amy recently completed her CIP designation and along with her 18 years of insurance industry experience, she is committed to her business clients' best interests.

 Pierre Luc Roy

After more than 10 years experience as a commercial underwriter, Pierre certainly understands the challenges businesses face and what they deal with every day. He provides expert advice to his clients, helping them choose the best solution for their business.

Our team is here to help you if you have any questions about your policy and coverage. We invite you to get in touch with us to do an annual review of your policy and coverage, even if it has been business as usual this year. “We want to make sure you have the best coverage for you and your business,” said Matt.

If you are looking for a new policy, we are here for you. Whether you are looking for general liability, professional liability, commercial property insurance, or commercial automobile insurance, we’ve got you covered. 

To do a review or to get a quote for a new policy, give us a call today 1-888-511-0777.